Sally H. Hall

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Can I have cake now?

We had our great-nephew, his wife, 3-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter visiting with us for a few days. It just so happened to be during Tom's birthday. So, early the morning of Tom's birthday, I ran to the store, got a birthday cake and put it on the cake stand, covered it with a clear glass dome and put it right in the middle of the kitchen island for all to see. 

When the little ones came out, sat down at the island for their breakfast and saw the cake, guess what? They wanted birthday cake for breakfast and wanted to know why they couldn't have it. Before leaving the house to go on that day's adventure, they asked for birthday cake again. As soon as we arrived home late that afternoon, they asked for cake again and again. They could barely eat dinner and must have asked at least three times during dinner "can we have cake now?" 

Although it was so very hard for the little ones to understand why they couldn't have cake when they wanted it, the good, good parents understood the reasons for not having cake until the appropriate time. I watched the parents patiently and lovingly responded to each and every ask. As I watched this exchange, it reminded me of all the times I go to my good, good Father God...asking for that one thing...over and over again. But, God is so loving and patient with me as He knows I don't understand why I must wait.

The Lord has brought this sweet visual to mind so many times in the days since our family's visit because I've gone to the Lord daily and at times multiple times a day with some unanswered prayers and petitions. Each time, I have been moved to smile and just say "Can I have cake now?" 

When my good Father says wait, the Spirit of God brings to remembrance (just as promised in John 14:26) His Word.

#selftalk for my impatient soul is He is not holding out on me for He is a good, good Father. "He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give [me] all things (Romans 8:32)?  But, I can see the "cake!"  I can taste and long for the "cake."  Please God, why can't I have the "cake!" Managing my #selftalk during these times of waiting can be very difficult.  Managing my #selftalk period can be difficult.

If you can relate and want to find the tools and develop the life skills needed to mentally manage the emotional ups, downs, twists, and turns of your life, then I think you might love my new book Self-Talk. This 8-Week, Bible-based self-help workbook will help you look for answers to questions you’ve never dared to ask; and in the process, you will discover insights that will help you manage your emotions. 

Self-Talk: Change your mind, change your life.