Sally H. Hall

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My God, My God

Lord, I Want To Know You and Romans Part 3 (Precept Upon Precept) - both by Kay Arthur have been life changing Bible studies for me. Why? Because I learned about God's character and attributes and His Old Testament names. Awesome, awesome truths. Standing on these truths, clinging to these truths, taking up these truths and using them to remind me of what is true....has caused me to EXPERIENCE Who God says He is. As a kid, a teen, and even a 20 and 30 something, I knew God's Word said He was trustworthy, but I had not experienced His trustworthiness in my own life in such a way that I knew God had really and truly come through for me or in such a way that I was utterly SECURE in that truth. Meaning that no matter what came at me, I knew that I knew God would come through for me. I knew that God was always present, but I had never personally experienced His presence in my life in such a way that I was deeply comforted and satisfied in His presence. Do you know what I'm saying?

I've heard Kay speak the Hebrew names of God. So beautiful and so loving His names because of WHO and what the names represent, I've wanted to memorize them. So, for years and years, I've tried. I have them in a picture frame in my bathroom and every morning I look at them, say them and walk away unable to pronounce/repeat them. I also have His names on the wall in front of my desk. Not only is God always present, but His names are before me a LOT. Still, I cannot repeat them to you. This is totally frustrating. BUT....

I KNOW His names. I mean I know experientially that God provides, is faithful, sees, sanctifies, heals... If you don't already know this - experiencing WHO God is - that's a LOT different than just knowing His names intellectually. My God, My God...I stand in awe of YOU!