Seriously? 145 Million Orphans Worldwide?
"There are 145 Million Orphans in the World." There it was written across the big screen at church this morning. Big, bold, black letters: "There are 145 Million Orphans in the World". Immediately my heart cried out to God. Seriously Lord? And Tom and I couldn't find one child to adopt. As soon as that question was formed in my heart, truth spoke. Truth is...what's important is that God wants to adopt children into His family. Immediately, I remembered how God reminded me of this truth years ago and how it strengthened my heart. It also filled my heart with gratitude that He would let me be a part of "birthing" spiritual children (so to speak).
In the few minutes my heart was wrestling between longing and taking up truth, a video was being played encouraging us to provide shoes for orphans who have no shoes. Honestly, I've watched this plea year after year and I've walked by the shoe barrel at work numerous times. I've even admired the really cute tennis shoes sitting beside the barrel thinking how thrilled some young girl was going to be. But, it wasn't until this morning that God spoke into my heart - participate! I find it such a God thing that you can be watching and comprehending a video while at the same time have a significant conversation with God. Amazing isn't it? But, that's what was happening this morning. Yep! God was reminding me that He's longing to adopt children into His family and He reminded me of the delight I feel over a really cute pair shoes. So not spiritual I know but God used that reminder to stir within my heart a desire to provide some young girl with the same delight. The delight I feel over a really cute pair of shoes is nothing compared to the delight I have in knowing that God loves me, has adopted me into His family and promises not to leave me as an orphan but will come to me and has (John 14:18).
I couldn't wait to go shoe shopping today and Target did not disappoint! I believe with all of my heart that God will use these cute shoes to draw these precious girls to Himself so they can experience delight in knowing Him. They may not know that when they put on these cute shoes that they are getting a hug from God - but they are! And, I get to be a part of that hug. I have set these cute little shoes apart for God so the little feet that wear them will be standing on holy ground!