Sally H. Hall

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Liar, liar - pants on fire!

I entered womanhood during a time when every orthodoxy about what it meant to be a woman was being challenged.  Yes, that would be the 60's and 70's.  These messages felt right, spoke to my womanhood and soon I became convinced ...

I am woman - hear me roar!  I can do anything, I am strong, I am invincible - I am woman!

If you have no first-hand knowledge of these times, then let me just say that much of the way we act, think, do business and even legislate today is as a result of the 60's and 70's.  Interesting, isn't it?  The 60's ushered in the second wave of the feminist movement and the messages during this time were radical!  "I can bring home the bacon, I can fry it up in the pan and I can never, never let you forget you're a man".(Enjoli commercial from the 70's).Seriously? Yes, seriously! I, me, moi - I decide what I want and when I want it. We've come a long way baby. (Virginia Slims commercial).

Liar, liar - pants on fire. You can't do it all or have it all.  I know because I've experienced the exhaustion of trying to do it all and shattered dreams from wanting it all.

Big Fat Lie #1? Women have the right to choose or decide to end the life of their baby by having an abortion. If we would just stop and really think this through, we'd see this is a crazy notion. Think about it - how can it ever be right for someone to choose to kill?  We've believed a lie and as a result "the choice" has been to end 54 million little lives.

Liar, liar - pants on fire. We were sold a lie. We were marketed. Just check out the above commercials. You don't believe me?  I'm certain! You aren't? Okay! Check it out for yourself. Read The Marketing of Evil and watch the below video. Let me know what you think and remember, God redeems and restores.  Let's adjust our thinking to line up with the Word of God!  It's called a Biblical worldview.

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