Does the ruffle make me look fat?

We are at the beach for a long weekend. I absolutely love the beach and I absolutely hate the idea of being in a swimsuit on the beach. But, to fully experience the sand, the sea and the fun of it all - you have to put on a swimsuit. Yikes! I do have a black and white swim moo-moo and with pink flip flops and a pink float - I'm ready. But the only way I can face the world in this get up is to remind myself of truths from God's Word. Specifically, I am accepted in Jesus, the Beloved. Such a precious truth!
I am accepted by God and if He accepts me and loves me just the way I am, then I should be secure in that. A truth that can hold me when I walk out the door. And, taking up the truth that I am accepted in Jesus, can keep me from missing opportunities. Do you know what I mean? Insecure moments...times when I don't think I measure up to godly or worldly expectations. Those moments can keep me from walking out the door (so to speak). There is no room for insecurity in my life. Why? Because I am accepted in the Beloved.
- Because of my faith in Jesus, God has adopted me as His daughter. Eph. 1:4, 19
- I have redemption through the blood of Jesus and forgiveness for my sins (past, present, future), Eph. 1:7
- God lavishes His grace upon me. Eph. 1:7-8
- I have been sealed with the Holy Spirit who is the pledge of my inheritance! Eph. 1:13-14
- Through Jesus I have access to God. Eph. 2:18
- I am God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. Eph. 2:10
- God is able to do far more abundantly beyond all I ask or think, according to His power that works within me. Eph. 3:20
- My hearts desire is to walk in a manner worthy of these truths. Eph. 4:1
- I am confident of this every thing, that He who began a good work in me will complete it. Phil. 1:6
Ready or I come!