Life with daddy

My daddy is 92 years old. Six years ago he and my mother made the huge decision to sell everything and move in with me and Tom. Within a week of arriving, my mother was diagnosed with brain cancer. Jesus came for her 3 months later and so she left us with daddy and her dog. Daddy had medical issues of his own and the dog - well...he has issues too but that's a whole other blog post (a picture is worth a thousand words).
I remember sitting by mother's bed when she passed away and hearing daddy commending her spirit to God. I remember thinking then how precious those words were for someone who had just lost his bride (as he would say) of 61 years and for a man who had just lost his independence.
Daddy is from the Great Generation.
. He has an amazing resilience. True Grit! During the six years he has lived with us, he's undergone 40 radiation treatments, pneumonia, numerous emergency room and doctor visits for bladder infections and issues due to his radiated bladder, 30+ hyperbaric treatments, received a pacemaker, diagnosed with Alzheimer's and oh yes, did I mention he is legally blind? Okay so from 86 to 92, he also:
- Went to the VA facility in Hershey, PA for 2 weeks to learn how to use a variety of aids and tips for the visually impaired
- Took and completed a typing course for the blind provided by the Hadley School of the blind so that he could receive a talking computer
- Went to the VA facility in Birmingham, AL for 6 weeks to learn how to use the talking computer
- Received his talking computer
- Wrote his first novel
- Finished his memoirs
- Wrote 5 small booklets filled with short vignettes or stories that he then sent to over 100 people as Christmas presents 5 years in a row
- Wrote and distributed to anyone who wanted them several short papers on "The Ugly Truth About Abortion", "The Security of the Unborn", and "Salvation
- Has been on numerous car and plane trips and is ready to go - anywhere!
- Stays up with the news - especially what's happening on the political front
- Has kept the faith - continues to fight the good fight
Life with daddy is filled with wonderful stories and memories but these last six years have been filled with some of his greatest achievements as we have witnessed him walking not by sight but by faith! My daddy is a gift and God has entrusted him to Tom and I to watch over him. I pray that Tom and I are as much a gift to him as he has been to us. Life with daddy who is legally blind, has Alzheimer's and an evil dog has it's challenges and some days are very interesting. But look at him - what an amazing man. What an amazing father. Thank you God for Dave Hinkle for he is a testimony of Your faithfulness and how faith in You provides hope, strength, joy, perseverance...