Big Blue Marble

During a meeting last week I noticed a co-worker had the most incredible picture of earth I've ever seen as his screen saver. So, I did a Google search and found this picture from NASA.
Doesn't this picture just cause you to sit a minute in wonder? It's obviously taken miles from earth. Look at earth - just hanging there in space - so beautiful. And we are down there on that big blue marble that hangs in space. Remarkable.
As I was listening to my ESV Chronological Podcast yesterday, I head the psalmist say "You established the earth, and it stands" and my mind immediately went to this picture of the earth. It stands but how?
How does the earth hang there in the middle of nothing? The simple truth takes my breath away. How? Because God says so. Earth hangs or stands because His Word is just that powerful. He is just that powerful. Wow! Here is where the psalmist says:
" Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven. Your faithfulness continues throughout all generations; You established the earth, and it stands. They stand this day according to Your ordinances, For all things are Your servants." (Psalm 119:89-91)
I have God bumps all over my arms just reading these verses and seeing this picture. Almighty God...Abba Father - spoke the world into existence. He said let there be....and by the power of His Word it be (exists)! I go back and I read the creation account in Genesis and I see and declare - Your Word is settled in the Heavens....You established the earth, and it stands. They stand
this day
according to Your ordinances (or words) - for all things are Your servants.
God, oh my God - You are amazing and Your faithfulness does continue throughout all generations. You have been faithful to cause the earth which You established to stand to this day. You are forever faithful to Your Word! Thank You God for this awesome and beautiful reminder of your might, majesty and faithfulness. Cause me to hang on Your every Word, to know Your every Word, to cherish and delight in Your every Word and to keep and walk in Your Word - for You have magnified Your Word together with Your Name. (Psalm 132:8).
All rightly then. That sure enough winds my watch!