Fish Vomit
In your faith walk, have you ever found yourself fish vomit? Before you think me totally mad, hear me out.
God really strengthened my heart recently. I've been listening my way through the Bible this year - chronologically! Sometimes it's easy to zone out when you get to those familiar places in the Bible. You know the ones where you've heard the stories since childhood and at least a couple of dozen sermons on the subject? So, as I started hearing Jonah, my thought was:"I know this"! But - boy oh boy did the Lord have some new insights for me to learn! As I listened and continued throughout the day to reflect on what I heard, here is what I gleaned:
· God reminded me and thus encouraged me that He appoints work for me to do on His behalf. Wow.
· I can say no to God's work and run in the other direction but He pursues me. Isn't that amazing?
· When I say no to God and go in my own direction, it always impacts others in a negative way. Sad but true.
· By the time my rebellion is all over, I look and feel like I've been in the belly of a fish for three days and three nights and am laying in fish vomit. So not pretty.
· Even when I don't want to do what God asks of me and I get attitude, He still allows me to do the work. Now, that's mind blogging.
· Though I am rebellious and have attitude, I am still God's and He still takes time to talk to me, teach me, use me. But, why? This truth melts my heart.
You really should listen to it: July 7, 2012 Podcast