Celebrating my sister
I am celebrating my sister Chelsea Haug. To the right is one of our favorite pictures. I think I had fallen and she was coming to my rescue - scooping me up in her arms. See the look on my sister's face? I've seen that look my whole life and oh, that look! It reflects a heart full of love, grace, care, concern - all things good and beautiful! The things that keep families strong, healthy and together! She not only makes a house a home, but a safe haven for she is a safe haven. She loves Jesus and it shows in the way she loves her family and friends. Her love is sure, sacrificial, relentless, enduring... If you have been on the receiving end of her love then you know exactly what I'm talking about! She is a beautiful woman of God.

Check out the picture on the left and note the look on my face. It's called adoration. I had it way back then and through the year's it has grown and grown. She is an amazing woman of God. With the help of her Jesus, I've watched my sister endure trials and suffer great losses. She has done so with great supernatural strength and grace.
With a heart filled with gratitude to our God, I celebrate her today! God picked my sister just for me. If you are part of our family or have my sister as a friend, then He picked her just for you too. Oh my - what a glorious gift from God you are a dear sister. I adore you. I love you. I thank God for you!
Happy birthday dear sister! As you start this next decade, my earnest prayer for you is:
Dear Father God, I ask that you continue to fill my precious sister with the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so that she will continue to walk in a manner worthy of the You - pleasing You even more and more in all respects and bearing more fruit in good works as she continues to increase her knowledge of You. O Lord, strengthen her with all power according to Your glorious might helping her to attain all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to You who qualified her to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light. Bring to her remembrance daily and delight and strengther her in the truth that You rescued her from darkness and transferred her to the kingdom of Jesus and that You have redeemed her, forgiven her and reconciled her through the blood of Jesus. Grant her, according to the riches of Your glory, to be strengthened with power through Your Spirit in her inner self so that Christ continues to dwell in her heart through faith. Cause her to be even more rooted and grounded in Your love and able to comprehend in more profound ways what is the breadth, length, height and depth and to know the love of Christ! Fill her up with the fullness of Yourself. Now to You who are able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works within us to You be the glory in the church and in Christ jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.