
Jan Silvious - Author, Speaker & Life Coach

"If you are wondering how to make it in this crazy world, Self-Talk is for you. With media clips, personal illustrations and simple Biblical truths, Sally will lead you step-by-step toward an understanding of why you struggle with your relationship to yourself, the world, and God. She will show you where to look for answers to questions you've never dared to ask; and in the process, you will discover insights that will bring sanity to your life. You will love this Bible-based self-help workbook for changing the way you think through changing your all-important Self-Talk." Jan Silvious


Tim Ackley - Lead Pastor at Cornerstone Church with an MA in Counseling

"Sally Hall has taken the good news of Jesus Christ and applied it with laser-like focus to the conversations that are swirling in all of our minds. Self-Talk is Sally’s own courageous journey with the God Who transforms hearts, held out as an encouragement for all of us to ‘be transformed by the renewing of our minds’. While many authors aim at this, Sally connects us better than most to the rest of that verse: ‘that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.’ Romans 12:2. May God use this book to set many people free from the shackles of deception and into the amazing freedom that Jesus Christ gives!"  Tim Ackley


Jessie Seneca - Author & Founder at More of Him Ministries

"Words - You simply cannot get away from the words you speak to yourself and others or the words others speak to you and about you. But, what you can do, is become more aware of the impact your words have. This is exactly what Sally Hall will help you recognize and understand as you unpack her book, Self Talk. Through Sally’s personal journey, scripture, and practical application, you will discover the truth about who you are and where your identity lies. You will embrace your God-given worth, learning to positively and powerfully walk it out to a watching world. Self-Talk will transform your body, mind, soul, and spirit by replacing lies you may believe with straight up truth!" Jessie Seneca


"There's an old saying, "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me" ... oh boy, that is a lie. Even as children we tend to accept and believe the negative things people say, add them up for years on end, and the result is a deeply wounded and confused individual. I love that Self-Talk gives you the opportunity to tear down that wall by replacing negative words with the truths of God's Word. I am looking forward to sharing the Self-Talk Bible study with women who desperately desire to know the One who calls them His beloved."

Brenda Brown — Birmingham, AL

"One of the greatest enemies you will ever face is yourself. We believe what we tell ourselves is truth, and if that truth is negative, you may find that you have very little self-worth. You not only have to change your inner dialogue from “I’m ugly” to “I’m beautiful”, but you have to find a real truth in what you are telling yourself. You have to change your perspective. Self-Talk will allow you to discover how God sees you and who he made you to be. God has a plan for each of us and through meditating on Scripture you can start to reflect on the positive and dispute the lies you tell yourself. "

Buffie Bogue — Dallas, TX
M.S. Kinesiology/Sport Physhocolgy
Behavior Analysis
Child Development and Family Studies

“I have the privilege of working with many authors and have a voracious appetite for reading in general but this can sometimes leave me with a super-critical spirit! I was so pleasantly surprised and excited when I read Self-Talk. It hit the “nail on the head” with its insight and understanding. Sally Hall has done a wonderful job of laying out strong truths about how we should view ourselves and where we often go wrong. I found myself almost giggling out loud at some of her examples and then feeling deeply convicted at the next. In the end, I was left with one permeating thought: “I wish I had read this when I was in my 20’s!” This is a must-read for all of us because no one totally escapes the negative self-talk that is so easy to listen to in today’s world.”

Sandy Ellingson — Columbus, GA
Executive Strategist, servestudios.com

"Self-Talk —hmmm—do I need this study? Well, just look at several of the chapter titles. “Life is a wild ride”—an understatement for sure. “It’s a crazy world”—definitely true. “There’s good news”—I need some good news right now. “You are God’s masterpiece”—Me? How? “Prepare your mind for action”—sounds encouraging. Conclusion: I need “Self Talk.” Do You?"

Gail Maddox — Woodstock, GA
Bible Teacher

"This book is so packed full of truth. It's amazing the lies we allow ourselves to believe. Yet the message throughout this Self-Talk points us back to the certainty of what God tells us: Your story and my story is beautiful. I belong to Jesus; I am beloved of God; I am His masterpiece. Being empowered by these truths allows me to endure the wild ride of life."

Jenny Ehlers — Chattanooga, TN
Occupational Therapist Registered/Liscensed